branded & non branded layouts


A few points about the 17 samples below;

  • LOGO: In order to present layout ideas, I tried using your existing logo but it’s not presentable at the resolution I found on your website. With all respect, you REALLY need a fresh new one so I took the liberty of designing an interim logo and what follows are some variations of the logo. We can discuss future revisions but the real purpose of doing this now was to create the most simple presentation for both branded and non-branded items by which YOU can see what you like in terms of placement of the features listed below.

  • GENERAL AESTHETIC: Because AHS is not supported by a website or conscious branding, when I began my work I had to begin with YOU (THE RUBY INDUSTRY GLOBAL LEADER) and my mission to convey thru images who YOU are with clarity and class and THEN to convey your product. Clarity is in everything from the typeface to the high quality photograph and the placement of every element. Class in understanding that the minimalist photograph taken on an imperfect surface doesn’t use any vivd color that could divert ones attention. You’re drawn into the experience of something precious and not perfect or synthetic. Now that’s classy & clear!

  • ADDED FIXED FEATURES for BRANDED: My original proposal involved simply adding your logo to the photograph. Instead I chose to add information that reinforces AHS without being solicitous while respecting the subject (THE RUBY) . That information is

    • Established 1983

    • Manufacturers of Fine Ruby


    • New York / Bangkok

  • PERSONALIZED FEATURES for BRANDED & NON-BRANDED: I initially discouraged you when we met on Wednesday to forego any putting any information regarding placing weights of gems (recutting, too much info) as well as any clutter that could divert from the image experience on the photograph. I’ve changed my mind to meet the challenge in making sure that every branded photo can ultimately lead to contacting you and that the non-branded version gives your customer the best representation to represent the gem to a third party without alluding to you. No need for you to be answering the questions “how much does it weigh?” or "is it heated”? and “where is it from?” because you have more important things to discuss, like price, certificate type, availability and inspecting the gem either in their location or yours. You’ll see below the following added personalized features;

    • Weight of the gem (branded & non-branded)

      • For important items or items whose weight you don’t want to show, you can choose between text in example of the 8.88 ruby shown here “8 carat plus” or “>8 carat” or for gems (like the 8.88) that are over the 8.50 weight “Nearly nine carats”.

    • Origin (branded & sometimes non-branded)

      • Their will be times when you are unsure or want to withhold origin (as I did for some of the unbranded items) but our general rule should be to show it in all cases.

    • Type of treatment (branded & non-branded)

      • I believe that treatment should be shown always for branded and un-branded.

review the photos below the form

Screenshot 2018-10-11 18.12.30.png